What is the Wealthy Affiliate program : Is Wealthy Affiliate worth the money?

The Wealthy affiliate program platform has just undergone a massive revision and content update.
Introducing the all new Site Content platform and Jaaxy integration.

The wealthy affiliate program, started in 2005 as a keyword tool, has grown over the years to what it is today.

Even now it is undergoing changes to launch it into its new generation, making it one of the best in class Affiliate marketing training programs.

What is The Wealthy Affiliate Program? – well lets find out…

But first a question.

What changes to your life are you making this year?

The main reason I ask is – is your job safe?

What if you could have another income apart from your job, would you like that?

Well working with the wealthy affiliate platform could transform your life.

With it’s training courses, website builder, content creation platform, hosting, tools, community and rate of success you will need nothing else to learn, create,and earn with your online business.

Affiliate marketing is taught within Wealthy Affiliate as a four step process:

  1. Choose an interest
  2. Build a website
  3. Attract visitors
  4. Earn revenue

There are two main courses.

  1. The certification course
  • Learn how to choose your niche your topic
  • Find out why branding is so important
  • How to build your own website
  • Create content people want to read
  • How to make money from your site
  • Find visitors who are interested in your site
  • Analyse the results to optimise your earnings.

You get 5 levels of training – the first level free with your free starter account.
2. The bootcamp

  • How to affiliate wealthy affiliate
  • Build your website
  • Creating beautiful content
  • How to market through social media
  • Become a brand
  • PPC( pay per click) marketing

you have 7 levels of training – the first level free with your starter account.

Weekly live video with Jay
Every week since 2012 there have been live training videos, with replays available

  • Learn about local SEO
  • Learn how to Facebook ads
  • YouTube streaming
  • Hosting webinars
  • 21 minute google ranking in 7 steps
  • Build a niche site case studies
  • And much more

over 280 available – all included in your premium account.

The Site Rubix platform

With a free starter membership you have access to two free Site Rubix sites.

You can use these as you please.

Go through the level one training on both certification and bootcamp to learn how to set them up.
With your premium account you get 25 free sites (siterubix) and hosting for 25 domains for premium accounts.

Masses of space to store your sites, 30gb of space for you to build your sites.

Hosting on the fastest amazon c3 servers.
An allowance for 500k visitors a month

Site Manager – looking after your sites for you

Keep all of your sites in one place, main sites and test sites.

See at a glance whether you are indexed in google.

Get the optimum loading speed for your sites by switching on Site Speed.

Check the health of your site – see if you are overloading it with plugins or need to add more content.
Find out whether Google trusts you with a trust indicator

Claim your free secure site (SSL) certificate to add the padlock to your domains.

Proprietary Site Protect software to block all spam before it hits your site, stopping the spam slowing your site down.

Optimise your page’s loading speed on desktop and mobile – find out if there are problems with Page Speed Insights

Site Builder – a couple of clicks and your site is built for you

Site Builder helps build your websites with no technical knowledge.

Four step process

  • Choose a domain name
  • Choose a title
  • Choose a theme
  • Press ‘Build my Site’ – all done

Website built!

Check if the domain you want is available with Site Domains – premium account only.
Already got a site started – no problem, simply transfer it to the Wealthy Affiliate hosting – premium account only (WordPress sites only).
Free unlimited email accounts for each domain – make your site look professional, have a support email along with a sales one all coming to you – premium account only.


NEW Site Content platform – a content management system for all users

Easy to use platform to keep all of your content and notes together – access from anywhere over the internet.
See the number of words you have typed at a glance.

Set motivational goals to keep you going- set the number of words and the number of posts you want in a certain time.
Setup templates to improve your efficiency, keep your site looking the same.
Keep your content orderly in folder buckets.

Add pictures from over a library of over 1 million free images.

Constant autosave to prevent data loss.
Use the powerful grammar checker to check your

  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • And sentence structure

Make your posts incredibly readable for your visitor experience – even if you struggle with English
Publish directly to your site or save for later .

Got multiple sites – no problem – just use the buckets to keep it all in order.

NEW integration – Jaaxy research tool – find keywords fast to improve your efficiency

Jaaxy has recently been incorporated into the wealthy affiliate platform.

You can still subscribe outside the wealthy affiliate platform but you get a free lite version with your premium subscription, starter accounts have a 30 search limit.

As a keyword finder Jaaxy is extremely quick to return you the results.

Save to a list or export a saved list for further analysis

Multi lists searching – save even more time by having more than one search at once – pro and enterprise only.

Use the ‘alphabet soup technique’ to find keywords through the alphabet.

Watch this video and learn about the ‘alphabet soup technique
Find out what the top ten pages are about, using Jaaxy search analysis – beat the others by improving on what they have.

Search for affiliate programs with the Jaaxy affiliate finder – search the major affiliate program sites from one place.

Track the progress of your posts with site rank – watch them rise in google .

What are the Wealthy Affiliate success rates

On your own with a task like setting up an online business you would be struggling to cope with everything.
This is where the community comes in with the wealthy affiliate platform.

This live community of over 500,000 members are all willing to help you out.

Ask a question in live help and get successful entrepreneurs answering.

As members are worldwide the live chat is open 24/7 and you will normally find loads of member inside.

Ask a question in one of the 13 classroom categories and it will appear on the activity dashboard.

Help out in the community once you have gone through the training to help those just starting – you were there once!

Gain followers by answering their posts or blogging about your business -it is a good way to try out methods of writing before you use them on your site.

Receive and send private messages to member asking for specific help.

Create training after you have been there 3 months to help other members learn from you.
Watch your Welathy Affiliate rank drop as you become more active within the community, become a wealthy affiliate ambassador – one of the top 25 members.

The Wealthy Affiliate program- is Wealthy Affiliate worth the money?

Is it a good platform to start your online affiliate business from? – definitely yes.

It now has all the tools you need to learn, build and earn from one platform.

Setup your site and start building out your content with the free starter account – progress further by taking advantage of the reduced rate first month of $19, then buy a domain, if you want to, and easily transfer all of your work over, with the click of a button.

The normal monthly price of $49 then comes into play.

update : as of May 11th 2020 there is a price increase to $495 per year

although not as good a price as it used to be it is still a good price for the platform…

it is still 12 months for the price of 10 paid monthly

they have also reduced the number of sites hosted down to 10 total

but have added a free domain ( credits to buy a  dot com)

$50 of community credits to buy feedback or comments within the system.


The yearly price reduces the price to less than $30 per month ($359/12) – what would you buy for that? less than 10 Starbucks cafe lattes a month at 2018 prices.
Cancel your account at any time, you have full control.

Your site will be hosted for a month after, to allow you to move it and then it will be archived.
=> So YES I feel that the Wealthy Affiliate program is worth the money.<=

=> Click HERE to join in the most advanced affiliClick Hereate marketing program on the web <=
Have got any more questions? if you have why not enter them in the comments box and I will answer them.


What can you sell with a Wealthy Affiliate site?

Anything you want – there are some minor restrictions as it is a family site but you can create your site about anything you want to.
Like baseball – create it about baseball training.

Like horses – create it about how to ride, train and enjoy your horse.

Like stocks – create it about your system or the system you use to play the market.

Like golf – how about a site to improve your swing, or exercises to stay supple.

What does the Wealthy Affiliate platform cost?

The starter membership is free, with this you get two free sites.

The first month premium is $19, with all the other months $49.

There is a yearly premium if you want to pay and forget which is $359 ( equating to $29.91 per month)

added to this is a domain – only if you want one – which will be about $13.99 per year.

And if you want to add the pro account for Jaaxy it will be $19 per month or $49 for the enterprise – but the lite version is included with your Wealthy Affiliate premium membership.

You have the choice to purchase a premium theme for your site if you want.

There are no other costs you should incur to get your business up and running.

Who owns Wealthy Affiliate

Kyle and Carson are the two founders – who are still active members.

You will see Kyle answering questions daily with Carson being more technical behind the scenes.
They both still live and breathe the Wealthy Affiliate, even after ten plus years, and actively want to help you succeed.

So why not click here and see if you can find Kyle hanging out in live chat or answering questions in the activity dashboard?

How much can you earn through the Wealthy Affiliate program?

The sky is literally the limit.

You determine how much you earn by being helpful within your niche, not all niches are created equal.

The visitors to your site determine how much you earn.

If you have thousands and they like what solutions you are presenting then they will click through your site and buy the product, whichever market you are in.
So how much you earn is up to you.

How quickly can I earn money?

This is always being asked, and there is no easy answer.

It is like starting a shop and wanting money from day one – you need to earn the trust of the visitors and have good solutions to their problems.
This way they are likely to buy your recommendations.

When will this happen, when people know about your site and start reading and trusting you.
So the onus is on you to get the good quality content on your site offering solutions to your niches problems, only then will there be a chance for your visitors to buy through your site.

How do I join the Wealthy Affiliate program?

Joining the program is the easy bit.
Click here and be taken to the sign in page.

You won’t be asked for any payment details until you are ready to commit to learning the system.

So enter the site and enjoy the experience, watch out you don’t get too overwhelmed at the start, there are a lot of people in there.

When you sign up I’ll be there to help you settle in, ask me any questions you have.

Or if you have any other questions about the Wealthy Affiliate program please leave them in the comment box so I can help you out.

Talk soon
